All the way from Canada, Carey found me months before her cruise down to San Francisco to design a game plan for asking her love, Rochelle to marry her. In a very unique fashion, we pinpointed a specific bench (thanks to Google Earth) along Crissy Field and devised a plan for me to be there ahead of time to capture the proposal.
Our first meeting consisted of Rochelle nearly giving Carey an earful for "stealing that lady's bench and view" (haha), but I lingered at a safe distance, pretending to taking pictures of the scenery. With a tug of an ear, Carey signaled me to come in for a closer shot, and out came the teal blue box along with a very special question, followed by a resounding YES from Rochelle. :)
We took advantage of the joyful adrenaline that everyone had in them, and I feel like we became fast friends touring the Crissy Field area for some portraits with our gorgeous Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Congratulations, Carey and Rochelle. May you have a lifetime of happiness together. xo