This new family is the sweetest! We were able to celebrate the twin girl's arrival over the holidays in their home, catching the last of the daylight and finishing up with a couple of soft studio umbrella lights. They were all troopers and I'm so proud of the photos we made together! Here are a few of my favorites.
Meet the Newborn McAlpine Twin Sisters
I had the privilege of spending a few hours with these nearly two week old identical twin sisters and their parents, Melissa and Ian. This is such a beautiful family, and I absolutely loved holding these little girls and spending time with their vibrant mom and dad. Being a mom myself, it's incredible to realize how fast babies grow up -- it's only been two years, but today, the memories came flooding back of sleepy afternoons, milk, diapers, and tiny noises from tiny humans (that stay put when you put them down).
Thanks Mel & Ian for inviting me into your home to capture some of your first family photos. I can't wait to see you all again, especially baby L & N as they grow. Congratulations! xoxo