Neha Tiwari Portrait Photography: San Francisco SoMA

I am so in love with these photos of Neha! She is lined up for some speaking events and it was time for an updated headshot. I met her in SoMA where she revealed an alley that had so much character. After assessing the decor, we chose several backgrounds that gave the appearance of doing a big tour, but we really only walked a block or two. We are efficient! 

Neha is currently an Executive Producer at CBS Interactive Games making awesome content for GameSpot. We worked together waaaaay back in the day at Revision3 and have been friends ever since -- the kind of friend you want to wear pajamas with while eating Taco Bell or sushi (or both simultaneously).

Thanks Neha for choosing me to capture your beautiful face. :) Here are our photos! 

If you'd like to schedule your very own portrait session, send me a message here or email I work within a variety of budgets and most of all, I love what I do. :)