Every now and then, an idea just clicks, makes sense, and ends up being more fun than imagined! I was approached by an individual who needed an updated headshot for their company’s new direction. Sure, I could provide a session and it would be great! But… what if we could give everyone on the team a consistent look across the board, making the group really LOOK like a team in addition to doing amazing work as a team? Even better, we could do it all in an hour, together making the most efficient use of everyone’s time.
That’s exactly what we did for the mama’hood, a Denver lactation support and education group. The mama’hood has really sharpened their focus this summer, and they came in for an updated look for the launch. Congrats to the mama’hood! Thank you for bringing your team into the studio. Everyone looks great, and I wish you great success while providing an essential service to caregivers and the tiny humans who need them.
If you’d like to come in with your team for a photo session, email stephanie@marilee.co and let’s make it happen!
To learn more about the mama’hood, please visit: https://www.themamahood.com/