Meet baby Elias, who is turning one year old next month! His mom, Cristie contacted me to help out with a Where the Wild Things Are themed birthday portrait session to match baby E's forthcoming party.
Part of the story takes place in forest grew all around, so I chose a magical looking Redwood grove that borders the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park, and despite 22mph winds, this grove was completely sheltered from anything that would make Elias feel cold. To protect baby's feet from the ground, I laid down my reflector's sleeve like a blanket and added a little foliage to cover up the edges. A little Photoshopping helped to cover up the protective sleeve, and ta-da -- here are our results!
After wrapping up with our Wild Thing in the wolf suit, we hung out in the grove for a shot of mommy with her kids and few candid moments.
We wrapped just up the hill at the Rose Garden, where I put down a picnic blanket and captured some shots of the kids. I have the great pleasure of meeting up with this family again next month for another family portrait. Can't wait!