The Reed Family Welcomes Newborn Baby Girl, Zoey

She's here! The Reed family is near and dear to our hearts. Our boys have been friends since they've been born and their newborn baby Zoey will likely be great friends with our little girl arriving soon. We were so excited to meet Zoey on her 8th day of life. Scott, Allison and Colton are all doing great -- here are a few of my favorite pics from our newborn family lifestyle session. Congrats again, Reeds! xo

DJ E-Rock Press Headshots - Studio

This is probably one of my favorite (and most efficient) studio sessions! Eric (aka E-Rock) came in to my home studio for some press headshots to promote his events and personal brand. He nailed the poses and I think we did amazing work together. Congrats on your success, Eric! Looking forward to seeing your name in lights. Here are some of my favorite shots.